



一開始我把目標鎖定在sting的Mercury Falling,因為最近發現我居然沒有這張,嗯,他後來的專輯中我滿喜歡這張,有country有soul有jazz,歌詞沒了辛辣而更沉澱,想不出來我為什麼沒買?喔,我想起來了,我買的是卡帶,青春啊...總之,想買,結果博客來一張也沒有,連Ten Summoner's Tales和The Soul Cages也沒有,所以當初我為什麼要買卡帶?年紀小不懂事啊...

於是我又把目標轉到威爾第的安魂曲和奧福的布蘭詩歌上,最近想聽Robert Shaw的爆棚版,已經做好掏錢的心理準備了,結果,就是這二張沒有,騙人,這麼紅這麼好賺的版會沒有,而且Telarc只要遇到叫安魂曲不管誰寫的都會比人家貴,就這樣折騰了一早上,沒有半張可以買,終於忍受不住積壓的怨氣中午就殺去唱片行了,雖然Mercury Falling還是沒有,不過看到Robert Shaw的布蘭詩歌和Giulini的安魂曲,心動啊~想要啊~不過加起來要1048啊~我身上所有的現金也才不過1050~姑穫鳥之夏一本也才不過270,這和我的本意相違啊~~~好在我最後還是恢復神志走出了大眾,沒把午餐錢都押下去,可能和大眾一直在放Michael Buble 的cd有關,時代一直在進步,都什麼光景了,還有人一昧的模仿50年代的風情,真是無聊,Home是我唯一聽了有共鳴的曲子...

最後逛到了五大,居然找到了Ten Summoner's Tales和The Soul Cages,差點就衝去結帳了,而且又和博客來訂價一樣(大眾你以後要怎麼混下去啊...),還好我有上樓看古典區,在那裡Robert Shaw的布蘭詩歌和富老的布魯特貝九就擺在最顯眼的熱賣區,不行,理智再也受不了啦~簡直就和酒後亂性的色狼一樣,猴急啊XDDD

所以現在,我心滿意足的PO完這篇文章後,就要回家享受我的Robert Shaw爆棚錄音,如果喜歡,我還要買他爆棚的安魂曲系列,錢?下個月快發薪水了...

後記:唉呀~剛好聽到Sting這首"I Was Brought To My Senses",嗯~果然符合我的心境,理智告訴我Sting和Robert Shaw都要you belong to me~哈哈<---藉口

"I Was Brought To My Senses"

Alone with my thoughts this evening
I walked on the banks of Tyne
I wondered how I could win you
Or if I could make you mine
Or if I could make you mine

The wind it was so insistent
With tales of a stormy south
But when I spied two birds in a sycamore tree
There came a dryness in my mouth
Came a dryness in my mouth

For then without rhyme or reason
The two birds did rise up to fly
And where the two birds were flying
I swear I saw you and I
I swear I saw you and I

I walked out this morning
It was like a veil had been removed from before my eyes
For the first time I saw the work of heaven
In the line where the hills had been married to the sky
And all around me
Every blade of singing grass
Was calling out your name
And that our love would always last
And inside every turning leaf
Is the pattern of an older tree
The shape of our future
The shape of all our history
And out of the confusion
Where the river meets the sea
Came things I'd never seen
Things I'd never seen

I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
Said you belong to me

I know it's true
It's written in a sky as blue
As blue as your eyes
As blue as your eyes
If nature's red in tooth and claw
Like winter's freeze and summer's thaw
The wounds she gave me
Were the wounds that would heal me
And we'd be like the moon and sun
And when our courtly dance had run
Its course across the sky
Then together we would lie
And out of the confusion
Where the river meets the sea
Something new would arrive
Something better would arrive

I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
Said you belong to me
I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
Said you belong to me...

    創作者 cyjoe 的頭像


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