So I picked up my "Sufjan Stevens-songs for Christmas" five EPs collection yesterday,it is lovely to hear Sufjan singing merry jolly songs of Christianity with banjo and solo piano,but some of you may wonder why Sufjan's music is always so warm ,fuzzy and angelical ? Did God himself purify Sufjan of this contaminated world with the talent he had granted Sufjan ? Or he just grew out of soil,or fell,fully formed,from the boughs of ancient trees(quote from Giles Smith)?
For those who want to know,i give you "A Sun Came [2nd Edition]"
Turns out Sufjan Stevens didn't come out of nowhere.This disc is the reissue version of "A Sun Came" which was written and recorded in 1998.Over the course of the album's original 18 tracks, Stevens revealed his Celtic, Middle-Eastern, Indian, American folk, and indie rock influences, experimenting with noise and vocal samples, and playing no less than 14 instruments.So if you feeling a little multiple personality disorder while listening,you are quite right.Stevens had many disparate ideas here, yet he refused to censor himself. After a sprawling 78 minutes (the reissue adds three tracks), A Sun Came bears more than a few missteps and a good number of head-scratchers, but by chance also documents some bright beginnings for this increasingly popular songwriter.
Here is some tracks i adore... 03 Rake 06 Dumb I Sound 07 Wordsworth's Ridge 10 A Loverless Bed (Without Remission) 12 Super Sexy Woman 14 Happy Birthday 15 Jason 16 Kill
you can listen them online HERE
It's a beautiful song.Soft and nostalgic acoustic guitar always make me moody,and again Sufjan shared his endless love for Jesus.
I think this is about someone once broke Sufjan's innocent church-boy-heart and he got angry with himself,pretty heavy for an album with a track like "belly button" .
Romanticism.. Lost in nature,and yet this is still about Jesus.Sufjan also brings up the wooden flute to add some Celtic flavor in it.But i must say i got a little excited when i heard he sang "Takes me ...Takes me ..."
My FAVORITE song of this album!This song is just so stunningly beautiful and quite sad at the beginning.Must be about losing or changing in a relationship over his/hers lover.Electric guitar gone out of control in the end,but survived this then you are OK.
Did Sufjan really just sing, "She'll shoot a super fart/ The deadly silent kind"?!
I'm not sure this birthday song is written for someone he like?
Punk-rock Sufjan?Fine with me but please don't try it anymore...
Even the kindest men feel angry.
From this ablum i can see how Sufjan is tring to manage the impression that he's serious about his music and his faith, and maybe to the point of sacrificing his sense of humor,but i also indulge in light genre parody and pleasing melodies,in other words,i like Sufjan when he is loosing up a little bit.